I recently ordered Zoe the cutest Paw Patrol outfit from Kmart.com. After it arrived I opened the shipping bag and sat it on a barstool near my kitchen. Thanks to a good case of #MomBrain I ended up leaving the outfit on the barstool for a few days. Later in the week, we were all in the family room watching TV and I asked Zoe to go throw something in the trash. Then it happened, Zoe saw the outfit…
She screamed, “Thank you, mommy, I love it!” Until that moment I had completely forgotten about it. Before I could say anything she ran over to me, carrying the outfit and gave me the biggest hug ever! Then she skipped over to another couch to show her daddy and her grandparents. After her fashion show, she walked back over to me, thanked and hugged me a second time.
She asked me to help her take her shirt off so that she could put her new clothes on right away. I told her that we would put PJs on instead and promised that she could wear it in the morning. She said, “Okay mommy. I really love it! Thank you!!” and leaned in for a third hug. This time tears started to fill my eyes. Her little heart was oozing with gratefulness and it was beautiful to watch.
I tend to think that I’m the teacher in my house but my little muffin got me together that night. I want to share 3 things I took away from my princess and our Paw Patrol inspired hug-fest:
The first is to be specific. Be specific in communicating your needs to your spouse or partner and be even more specific in what you pray for. No one knows what you need if you don’t tell them. Zoe probably asks for something with the Paw Patrol pictured on it every five minutes. I’m not saying that you should go and start nagging God or your spouse BUT you have not because you ask not!
The second thing is that delayed doesn’t mean denied. The only thing Zoe loves more than the Paw Patrol is stickers. If we buy her stickers she will put them into a big wad and they’ll end up in the trash by the end of the night. So I leave the sticker buying to her grandparents. #iAintDoingIt However, when I see something she can actually use or play with more than once I’ll buy it. This outfit, for example, she gets to relive the joy of discovering it every time I pull it out of the dryer!
I know the feeling of just wanting what you want because I’m human too. We just want all of the things. If you pray for something and get frustrated because God doesn’t immediately drop a blessing in your lap, then you’re doing it wrong! Yes, miracles happen but most of the time we have to wait and waiting doesn’t mean no. Sometimes it’s His way of saying ‘I’ve got something better’.
Lastly, remember to say thank you! Then say it again and again and AGAIN!! I’m sure the Lord doesn’t get tired of hearing it. I highly doubt that anyone in your life will get sick of hearing it either. We have to move through life knowing that no one owes us anything. The ultimate price was already paid for us to be living this thing called life therefore, any other blessing is simply a bonus. In short, sit down and be humble! LOL
If you want to know what your children are learning from you, just sit back and watch them. They will blow your mind! I’ve heard so many comments about how selfish this “new generation” of children is but… umm, what about their parents? #SelfCheck
I challenge you to be more aware of the behaviors you display this month, especially in the presence of children. They’re watching!
-Zoe’s Mama