*This post is sponsored by Raddish, as always all thoughts and opinions are my own* You ever see childhood videos of your favorite artist or athlete and see that they’ve been good at their “thing” their entire lives? That’s how we feel about Zoe girl and cooking. She’s no pro yet but it’s been her […]
Yay, the kids are headed back to school. No more snacking uncontrollably, drinking all the juice or toys all over the house. Let’s pause the excitement for a bit and have a quick heart to heart. The lack of concerns about child social media safety really grinds my gears. Y’all, nothing annoys me more than […]
Soooooo we took a trip to LA … and it was hard to come back home! Our decision to go was super last minute, so we just went with whoever had the cheapest flights; we flew Spirit there and American coming home. We’ve flown Spirit quite a few times over the years and now, we […]