You guys, ITS’ BABY WEEK!! Before I sprint out the door to the hospital (yes, I plan to run all the way there LOL), I wanted to share whats in my Bow & Rattle diaper bag. The likelihood that I’ll need any of this from the hospital to home is slim to none but I […]
Pregnancy is the most beautiful experience you can have as a woman. However, weight gain, hair changes, skin problems, lack of sleep, etc… will have you feeling anything but beautiful. My first trimester was a bit rough due to morning sickness and I slowly started losing myself and my confidence. I wanted to share some […]
I am obsessed with my little family, so naturally it’s a given that I LOVE taking family photos. There is just something special about getting all dressed up to document how much we’ve changed and the kids have grown that makes my heart happy. We’ve had a number of shoots over the last few years, […]