Having to complete home based learning for the kids for the remainder of the school year, we (non home school moms) have to be more hands on with eduction at home than ever. For the first week or so, I was super confident, like okay we got this but as time passed I started running […]
Hey mama! Has your well run dry on how to entertain your kiddos the next few weeks? Here are a few fun ways to keep kids entertained while at home while on quarantine: Indoor Scavenger Hunt. Painters Tape Hop Scotch. Anything involving bubbles. Have a fashion show. **Tip: make this work in your favor by […]
Hey Mama and welcome to the circus, I mean life as a work at home mom. There’s no right or wrong to what works for you and your littles but the key is trying to keep them on a schedule. Here’s an what our homeschool schedule typically looks with my toddler & preschooler: Preschool Homeschool […]