I’ve seen an uptick in posts where people are already declaring that 2020 will be “their year”. I’m all for the power of manifestation but have we just decided to give up on 2019? There are four months left in the year and a lot can change over the course of those months. We have the ability to create the lives of our dreams and sometimes we don’t realize our power. So let’s finish 2019 strong!
Here are a few tips to re-evaluate or reset your personal goals and step into greatness this month:
Take a look at the list of goals you made for yourself for the year, which ones have you started on and which ones have been left hanging? Of the ones that you’ve started talking take note of the good habits that helped you hit or get close to hitting that goal. Ask yourself are those habits that you can carry over into other areas of your life.
Sometimes we can set goals because it’s “trendy” or someone in your life is pushing you toward said goal. Making goals that we are not passionate about is a great way to fail before you even start. Ask yourself why you started making progress toward those goals? Are they no longer important to you? Is this your goal because it’s trendy or is it something that you truly need to do to finish 2019 strong? Life is too short to be busting your put for someone else’s dream. Take note of the life that you want to create for yourself and nix any goal that does not align with it.
Has your life or financial situation changed drastically since the year began? Have you gotten married? Started a new relationship? Gotten pregnant/had a baby? Bought a house? Finished school? Have you gained weight? Lost a job? Lost a relationship? …cuz let’s be real, not all drastic changes are pleasant…
It’s time to ask yourself what’s next. Whether its to save for a dream vacation, to furnish your home or pay off debt, there is no need to wait for next year to start working on your next big thing. What are some things that you can realistically make happen over the next four months? Write them down.
Now that you have you updated/new goal list, it’s time to create a plan to hit those goals and finish 2019 strong. Any goal without a plan is just a dream. Not that dreams are bad… but I’d rather live out my dreams. Sitting around waiting for life and opportunity to just happen to you has to get old. Go our and make life happen the way you want it to, you own that power.
To create an action plan you will need to set a deadline for each goal. Next you will break them down into smaller, more actionable steps. For example, it’s not enough to say you want to get fit/improve your wellness. You have to go into detail with yourself and plan when/how. How often will you go to the gym or exercise? What days will you meal prep? How often will you check your progress? When will you check in with your accountability partner? …if you don’t have one, get one immediately!
Say you want to work out on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Set a designated time for each of those days that belongs to you and exercises, nothing else. Next you schedule those items in your planner, google calendar or whatever you use to keep your self organized. Seeing your plans in writing, daily or weekly, makes it a little harder to ignore and as a result, you don’t break the appointments with yourself. It’s a great way to build trust in yourself and to start creating the life that you’ve dreamed about.
Not only is it the beginning of a new month but it’s also a day off for many of us. There is no better time to sit and plan how you want the rest of your month/year to flow. If you would like to see a follow up post on how to manage productivity when it comes to your action steps, let me know in the comments. Do you have any goals that you need to reset or completely nix this month? 2019 is still ours for the taking sis, so let’s get to work… IT’S GLOW TIME!
[…] about any goals you didn’t accomplish last year, what was the cause of you missing the mark? Was it lack of consistency? Discipline? Unclear […]