
Tips for Setting Realistic Goals in 2020

  1. TaJuana says:

    Thank you ma’am. Writing my goals today…1. Working towards debt free living 2. Losing 25 lbs by April 3. Find a community service project for the whole family by end of February.

  2. Toya says:

    Great post Tina! My 2020 goals are: losing 15 lbs by April 1st and paying off all my credit card debt by May 1st.

  3. DeeDee says:

    Great post! I loved the breakdown of SMART goals and the concept of actually writing your goals down. In the past I would just channel a thought and be sincere about it to begin with but then I’d lose sight of it just dealing with regular everyday life. Going forward, I’m going to write down my top two goals and my theme and place them where I can see them every morning so that I can start my day off with them in my mind!! Goal 1: to be more active, Goal 2: to lose 40 lbs by May 19 and my Theme: you get what you give!! I’m pretty much a positive person so this year I’m making a conscious effort to eliminate all negative things, people and situations from my life to make room for the influx of positivity that is sure to come my way!!!

  4. beingbrandyb says:

    Thanks so much for sharing this. Everything just clicked when I read this! My word for this year and the rest of my life is discipline. Goal 1: Develop a deeper relationship with God and 2: to become debt free by the end of the year.

  5. Awesome post! Keep up the great work! 🙂

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